Does Apple Watch Have a Camera?

The Apple Watch is sort of a masterpiece of the Apple Company. Since its release, this smart design has become very popular among millions of users in no time. This is simply because it contains a lot of unique and useful features.

You can make calls and send messages. What’s more, this smartwatch may help you run a healthier lifestyle. But, one of the most common confusions is does Apple Watch have a camera, and for that matter, continue to read our article to discover the answer.

Does Apple Watch Have a Camera

Camera Features of the Apple Watch

The Apple Watch offers its users a built-in app called Camera Remote. This specific app allows you to connect the smartwatch with your iPhone’s camera. Therefore, it enables your watch to have the same sight as the camera. 

 Moreover, through your smartwatch, you get to see the same thing your camera is currently monitoring. This camera feature also consists of a Remove Shutter button which allows you to take a snapshot.

The smartwatch also offers you the option to view your photos. Additionally, you can set the timer of your iPhone’s camera through the smartwatch. For that matter, the app only offers a 3-second timer. To use it, simply swipe from Off to On.

So, does Apple Watch have a camera? Basically, the short answer is no. Well, not an independent one. Therefore, if you want to use the camera features of your smartwatch, you must activate the mentioned app.

Continue to read our article to learn more about how you can use this app. We have included simple instructions. In addition, you can also read more about another unique option that allows taking photos with your Apple Watch.

How to take a photo with your Apple Watch

To use the Camera Remote app, your Apple Watch must be near your iPhone. The normal Bluetooth range is considered to be around 33 feet (10 meters). So make sure your smartwatch is within that radius distance from your smartphone. 

Secondly, find the Camera Remote app on your smartwatch. You can do that by pressing the side button and scrolling among the other applications. Once you find the app, simply click on it. Don’t forget to open the camera on your iPhone too.

Next, use your Apple Watch as a viewfinder to position the smartphone for taking a snapshot. In addition, it’s recommendable to check the camera flash setting before taking the photo. So if you need to zoom, enable the Digital Crown option. 

Moreover, if you want to adjust exposure, tap “Preview” on your smartwatch. Then you should click on the key area of the shot. Also, there is an option for switching the front and rear cameras.

Lastly, to take the shot, use the “Shutter” button and add a timer. Click to take a picture, and there you go! If you followed the instructions well, you could find the photo you’ve taken in Photos on your smartphone. However, you always use your Apple Watch to review it.

Read more: Does Apple Watch Come With Charger?

Review the photos you have taken

Review the photos you have taken

After learning does Apple Watch have a camera and how to take photos with it, let us show you how can you review them. There are several Review options. Firstly, there is a “View a photo” option. To use it, click on the thumbnail, which is on the left side, at the bottom.

To see every snapshot you have taken, use the “See other photos” option. For that matter, simply swipe left or right. Furthermore, if you want to fill the screen, just double tap the opened photo. To review the photo in a panoramic view, then zoom and expand the photo by dragging it over the screen.

Introducing Wristcam

If the mentioned camera features of the Apple Watch sound a bit dull to you, then you might want to try their latest smart invention called Wristcam. It refers to a specialized camera that is meant to be an accessory to the Apple Watch. 

With Wristcam, the smartwatch can be worn as a sort of wrist-mounted camera. The regular price of this smart camera band is around $299. In addition, it’s water-resistant and comes in 3 colors: light gray, black, and light green. 

What’s more, you can use Wristcam to take pictures and videos even if your iPhone is out of reach. This can be done by using the watchOS app or simply managing the manual controls on the band.

Wristcam also offers 2 cameras. The first one is a main 8MP camera. It’s outward-facing and it’s ideal for taking any type of photo. The second camera setting is a 2MP camera. It’s user-facing and it’s perfect if you want to take selfies. 

Lastly, using Bluetooth or Wi-Fi, this smart camera band can transfer every picture you have taken to the photo gallery of your iPhone. In addition, it can also place the photos on Cloud storage.

Also read: Can You Make Calls From Apple Watch?


The Apple company has been working hard and experimenting a lot to include a camera in its future models. However, until we see another genius design, we can still use Camera Remote or the unique Wristcam.

The Camera Remote is ideal if you want to take simpler photos with your friends. All you have to do is make sure you have your iPhone nearby. Moreover, you can always review the photos on the smartwatch and adjust their image settings.

On another hand, if you are more of an adventurist, then you should give the Wristcam a chance. Since it’s waterproof, it’s ideal for taking photos while hiking and exploring nature. Also, it still functions even without your iPhone.

When it comes to expenses, the Camera Remote is already an integral part of the Apple Watch. However, using the Wristcam means buying an additional smart camera band. So consider your budget too.

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