Why Is My Apple Watch Dying So Fast?

You absolutely love your smartwatch, but you find yourself constantly asking why is my Apple Watch dying so fast. Well, click here; we’ve got an answer!

Apple Watches – the synonym of technological breakthrough and lifesaver to millions of people. When it works fast and fine, its utilization options are limitless. You can use it for calorie count, heart rate monitor, heart rate recovery, etc. But what about when it starts lagging, and its battery dies within a few hours of use? You surely can not monitor your heart rate with a dead watch battery. Moreover, if you think you are taking good care of it but it still somehow needs to charge every few hours, there might be some deeper issue causing the battery to die quicker.

So if you are one of those people asking why is my Apple Watch dying so fast, we have assembled this article to provide answers specially for you. Just keep reading and make your Apple Watch what it once was.

Why Is My Apple Watch Dying So Fast

Factors Influencing Your Apple Watch Battery to Die Faster


This is one of the most common factors that might influence your Apple Watch battery to die. As time passes, batteries become increasingly worn off, significantly lowering their performance capability. So depending on how old your Apple Watch is, its battery might be coming to an end. 

Many people consider replacing only the battery in these cases, but honestly if the watch is older, what good would it do? Instead, investing in a new Apple smartwatch with an extra-lasting battery is much smarter. This way, you will save yourself time, money, and nerves you would otherwise waste on the barely functioning old smartwatch.

Atmospheric conditions

Batteries can be very sensitive to changes in temperature. More specifically, they do not perform well in too hot or too cold conditions. Therefore, it is of essential importance to always be aware of the atmospheric conditions you will be wearing your Apple Watch into, and take it off when you think you will be in too cold or too hot surroundings. That’s why Apple suggests you wear your smartwatch at an ambient temperature between 32°F to 95°F, as those are the optimal conditions to keep the battery strong and alive.

Pairing issues

This factor might not directly but rather indirectly influence the length of your smartwatch battery. Although this might sound strange, Apple Watch often requires more power if it is disconnected from your iPhone or even if it struggles to hold a connection. Therefore, you need to ensure that the Bluetooth on your phone is always activated, as well as you might also try re-pairing your phone to the watch if that seems to be the issue.

Software update

Many people have a habit of leaving the software updates just as notifications on their phones or smartwatches. But according to Apple, that is not a good idea at all, and it might impact the life of your battery. The new upgrades often mean overall improvement of the smartwatch’s functioning and performance. Therefore they also mean getting rid of potential harmful battery-killing bugs. So that’s why you need to make sure that your software is always up to date. You can do so by regularly checking the software updates to provide your smartwatch with efficiency and battery improvements.

How Long Should the Apple Watch Battery Last?

An Apple Watch battery has a satisfactory life of about 18 hours. If you notice that the battery on your Apple Watch dies much quicker than that, you are probably asking yourself the same question as many other people around the world – why is my Apple Watch dying so fast? 

Luckily, we were asking ourselves the same question, and after doing a thorough investigation, we are happy to share our findings with you.

Related: Where Can I Sell My Apple Watch?

Why is My Apple Watch Dying So Fast?

As there are various reasons behind this issue, in this article, we will look at the most common causes for fast battery dying and what you can do to improve its longevity.

“Wake Screen on Wrist Raise”

This is the most commonly used setting on Apple smartwatches, but not many people know that it is also one of the most battery-consuming components. As this feature is motion sensitive, it turns your smartwatch screen on every time you raise your wrist. Consequently, the battery simply dies by constantly turning the screen on and off. 

What you can do about this issue is the following. By turning the “Wake Screen on Wrist Raise” feature off, you will be able to save quite a lot of your battery’s life and, therefore, save it from dying so fast. If you do not want to turn this function off completely, you can always limit the display’s wake time.

Closing apps that you no longer use

If you just go through apps without closing them properly, chances are that those apps still running in the background are simply draining your smartwatch battery. So, next time you use a particular app, close it properly so it does not run in the background unnecessarily. All you will need to do is press the End button on the app once you are done with it or simply remove it from the Apple Watch background so it does not waste the battery without reason.

“Always on display”

Another battery-draining option on the Apple Watch is the “Always on Display” feature. This option keeps the watch’s display always on, even when your wrist is down and you are not looking at the screen. By turning this option off, just imagine how much battery life you will save and prolong your smartwatch’s continuous use.

“Hey Siri” option

When you have this option on, the display is just staying on, waiting for you to activate the smartwatch by saying “Hey Siri”. This feature can surely come in handy on many occasions, but if you do not utilize it very often, it would probably be much smarter to turn it off as it might make a great difference in saving your Apple Watch from dying fast.

Display brightness

It is a well-known fact by now that the display is the biggest battery consumer. So if you keep your screen as bright as the sun, it is only expected that the smartwatch will die faster than it should. Instead, what you can do is go to Settings and then “Brightness & Display” and decrease the display’s brightness as well as decrease the wake screen time. These improvements will make such a difference in the utilization of your phone that you will notice a much better performance improvement and a longer-lasting battery.

Read more: How to Update Apple Watch Without Pairing


Next time you wonder – why is my Apple Watch dying so fast, you might consider checking the reasons we have listed above, as we are sure that by implementing the tips we have offered, your Apple Watch battery will last significantly longer.

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